The ban on smoking in public spaces, especially indoor spaces, is backed by a lot of science—the dangers of second-hand smoke are well-documented. For people who vape, bans on vaping in public spaces can be somewhat frustrating; after all, you’re not producing second-hand smoke.
We understand the frustration, and the desire to be able to vape in public or indoor spaces (especially when it’s -40℃ outside). With that in mind, you really shouldn’t vape indoors in public. In this guide, we’re going to get into why—and the other do’s and don’ts of vaping in public spaces.
The Don’ts Of Vaping In Public
Don’t Vape Indoors (Most Of The Time)
Vaping in public, indoor spaces is banned in Manitoba—so if you’re in a restaurant, a mall, or any other enclosed public space, you can’t vape.
When you’re in a private space, like a friend’s home, it’s legal to vape—but that doesn’t mean your host will appreciate it. The easiest way to find out is to ask; more on that in the “Do’s” section.
If you don’t know the rules, avoid vaping indoors, and try to find a designated vaping area.
Don’t Vape In Front Of Kids
We’ve got a massive problem in the vaping community—there have been too many kids who were introduced to nicotine through vaping. This has led to initiatives from provincial governments (and the federal government) to ban flavoured vapes.
One way we can curb this problem? Don’t vape in front of kids. You’ll spare yourself glares from their parents, uncomfortable questions, and the risk of being a bad influence.
Don’t Get Mad At People For Wanting You To Not Vape
“There’s no concrete evidence that second-hand vapour is bad for your health!” “It smells delicious, what’s the problem?” “Vapour doesn’t cling to fabric, the smell will disappear in no time!”
If you’ve said any of these things, you’re being too pushy. Some people don’t like the smell of your cotton candy berry blast vape juice—respect that.
The Do’s Of Vaping
Do Ask For Permission
This could be the core tenant of responsible vaping; ask permission before you vape. Even in spaces that don’t prohibit vaping, like crowded outdoor public areas, this is a good idea; and if you can’t ask for permission from everyone around you, wait until it’s less crowded or find designated vaping areas where you can go for a break.
Do Take The Time To Learn Local Laws And Norms
There are places where vaping in indoor public spaces is allowed, but where norms among non-vapers could lead to public vaping being heavily discouraged. Do your research before you go to a new city or country, and try to get an understanding of not only the laws that govern vaping but also how the general population feels about vaping.
Do Teach Your Friends Proper Vaping Etiquette
Not everyone takes the time that you have to look up articles on the do’s and don’ts of public vaping etiquette—and that puts you in a great position to teach them. You don’t have to be overly preachy to everyone holding a vaping device, but helping people with simple rules like “don’t vape in crowded spaces” and “just because you don’t like traditional smoking doesn’t mean you have to get into an argument with every cigarette smoker” can uplift the whole community.
We’re exaggerating a bit, but you get the point; help other people improve their vaping habits, and we’ll all be better for it.
By following these do’s and don’ts, you can improve your own vaping experience and ameliorate our image as a community. We run a vape shop Winnipeg vapers can count on for vaping advice, from picking products to understanding norms; if you’re looking for vaping products, visit us today.